28 November 2009
Hi folks, here's a helpful hint. If you are knitting something that is to have a fringe - cut the fringe material first. It is easy to get carried away knitting and forgetting that you need to have material left over for the fringe. So read the last part of the pattern first and see how much is needed for the fringe and set that aside. Then, no tears when there is not enough yarn left and your knitting has to be undone and unkinked to make a fringe.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
27 November 2009
Well, turkey day was filling. What more can be said? A good time was had by all.
I am happy to report that the perpetrator of the sheep theft has felt guilty. The small sheep and its scarf has returned. It reappeared in the planter looking happy to be back. What a great gift of the season.
Today we have a number of knitters sitting and talking at the table at the front of the store. It's the relaxation needed the day after Thanksgiving. No parking hassles or being pushed in a large department store. Just a great day in The Plains!
Well, turkey day was filling. What more can be said? A good time was had by all.
I am happy to report that the perpetrator of the sheep theft has felt guilty. The small sheep and its scarf has returned. It reappeared in the planter looking happy to be back. What a great gift of the season.
Today we have a number of knitters sitting and talking at the table at the front of the store. It's the relaxation needed the day after Thanksgiving. No parking hassles or being pushed in a large department store. Just a great day in The Plains!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
24 November 2009
It's a sad day in Mudville. The small sheep that has inhabited our flower boxes and planters for years has been stolen. Yes, even in The Plains there is theft - how sad a statement. It is an unfortunate statement of the state of society. No respect for anothers property.
There is a yarn reward for any information leading to the aprehension and conviction of the person or persons involved in the theft.
I have ordered another shipment of Addi Click connectors and US size 5 needles. They are more popular than Skacel had expected. I have been assured that after the first of the year, the soft carry cases will be available. I was not able to get a price.
I have gotten in another shipment of Addi Turbo 8" needles. So, for those of you that dislike double point needles and have not attempted another pair of socks - these needles might be just what you're looking for.
And finally, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We'll see you on Friday - we will be closed on Thanksgiving day.
It's a sad day in Mudville. The small sheep that has inhabited our flower boxes and planters for years has been stolen. Yes, even in The Plains there is theft - how sad a statement. It is an unfortunate statement of the state of society. No respect for anothers property.
There is a yarn reward for any information leading to the aprehension and conviction of the person or persons involved in the theft.
I have ordered another shipment of Addi Click connectors and US size 5 needles. They are more popular than Skacel had expected. I have been assured that after the first of the year, the soft carry cases will be available. I was not able to get a price.
I have gotten in another shipment of Addi Turbo 8" needles. So, for those of you that dislike double point needles and have not attempted another pair of socks - these needles might be just what you're looking for.
And finally, have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We'll see you on Friday - we will be closed on Thanksgiving day.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
22 November 2009
Yesterday was a mittens class. It was great fun and mittens make a great quick gift for almost anyone. It takes an afternoon to knit a pair of adult mittens in a worsted weight yarn.
Mittens sound mundane but a quick trip to a craft store holds all of the promise that mittens can offer. Fabric paint makes for an interesting experiment on the palms of the mittens. Dog or cat paw prints or just tiger stripes makes for an interesting pattern and makes the gloves less slippery on steering wheels.
For that special person and a bit of bling, add crystal to the back side of the mittens. Swarovski crystals add a lot of sparkle and would be stunning.
I have received a partial shipment of Mushishi yarn from Plymouth. It is a wool/silk blend that is very soft and knits to 5 sts to the inch on a US 7 needle. There is over 490 yards to a ball and the ball includes patterns for hat and scarf in both knit and crochet.
I have an additional pattern for hat, fingerless mittens and leggings that use just a single ball.
Yesterday was a mittens class. It was great fun and mittens make a great quick gift for almost anyone. It takes an afternoon to knit a pair of adult mittens in a worsted weight yarn.
Mittens sound mundane but a quick trip to a craft store holds all of the promise that mittens can offer. Fabric paint makes for an interesting experiment on the palms of the mittens. Dog or cat paw prints or just tiger stripes makes for an interesting pattern and makes the gloves less slippery on steering wheels.
For that special person and a bit of bling, add crystal to the back side of the mittens. Swarovski crystals add a lot of sparkle and would be stunning.
I have received a partial shipment of Mushishi yarn from Plymouth. It is a wool/silk blend that is very soft and knits to 5 sts to the inch on a US 7 needle. There is over 490 yards to a ball and the ball includes patterns for hat and scarf in both knit and crochet.
I have an additional pattern for hat, fingerless mittens and leggings that use just a single ball.
Thursday, November 19, 2009

19 November 2009
Wow, what a busy day. I've been getting in new items every day. Sorry for the late posting. I just didn't have any time at the shop today to write this.
For those of you who liked the entrelac shawl, there is a new offering with a bit more challenge. Jojoland has created the Winter Wrap. This wrap has a round entrelac bottom — a more difficult way of knitting entrelac.
For those of you who like your knitting abilities to be sharpened, this project is for you.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18 November 2009
Crock-O-Dye sock yarn just arrived. It is kettle dyed sock yarn in a great range of colors. It's made by Knit One Crochet Too (view all of the colors through the link). This yarn knits with a wonderful subtle shading across the surface. A nice change from all of the self-patterning yarns.
New Shawl Pins by Buttons Etc. are now on display. I only got in a partial order because these natural product shawl pins are in high demand. I have coconut rounds, shell diamonds and a flower-petal covered pin. These will nicely accent your beautifully knit shawl or make a great gift for someone.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
OK, here are the Dennis Kyte photos
17 November 2009.
For your enjoyment, the photos I promised of the Dennis Kyte book and samples of the needlepoint canvases. These are the artist's masters, and the books are signed. I've rarely seen anything so whimsical and sophisticated. Very, very unusual. All proceeds will go to Middleburg Humane Foundation, thanks to the generous donor.
Saturday, November 14, 2009

14 November 2009
I made it through the 13th without destroying my shop computer totally. The coffee'd keyboard is now back in service. Flooding with freshwater and a hairdryer did the trick. It actually works better because the space bar doesn't double space anymore. Who'd a thought!
The shop will have Ornamental Knits Christmas ornament kits in for several more weeks. Theses are great gifts and are quick and easy to knit.
Lyn is knitting her Vertical Stripe Sweater out of Silk and Ivory (top left). Lyn wanted the feel of the yarn ( it really has a nice hand) and the intense colors. Silk and Ivory gave her that. There are over 200 colors to choose from. It is obviously still a work in progress but the winter season is young. There'll be a picture of Lyn wearing it when she finishes.
It looks very different from all of the others including Jo Anne's (top right). As always, we can't completely follow the instructions. Jo Anne knitted hers out of kettle dyed sock yarn. Solid colors but not evenly colored. Modifications have to be made. Jo Anne decided that shorter sleeves and a cuff would be better for her. Questions? Come on down to the shop and ask in person.
The 8" needles are going fast. I will be reordering them again to restock the shelf. So far they're a hit with the sock knitters.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
12 November 2009
After dumping a cup of coffee on my keyboard at the shop, there's only up from there. Luckly, Troya Plaskett was at the shop and saved the day with a loaner keyboard. Thank you Troya!
I've gotten in another shipment of Addi Turbo 8" needles. I have all of the sizes (0-5). They're going fast.
I also ordered Addi Clicks in a new soft case and additional cable sets. Addi now makes a US 5 needle as a click. If you want this size, just give me a call and I will order you a set. In fact, you can order additional Click needles so that you can have more than one of each size.
Today I received more Mini Mochi in all colors from Crystal Palace Yarns. This yarn is very popular and several folks are knitting the Vertical Stripe Sweater from this yarn. I will post photos as soon as they're done. They look great in process.
I've just been given the master needlepoint canvases of Dennis Kyte's Botanicals. Mr. Kyte has stopped producing his needlepoint canvasses so these are the last. I don't have prices yet but do stop by and take a look (and place a reservation). They will be reasonably prices and your purchases go directly to the Middleburg Humane Foundation. I also have 12 signed first editions of his Botanicals book to offer.
I have taken a couple of photos of Mr. Kyte's work and will post them as soon as I have a moment, but there is nothing like seeing them in person.
And as a last thought, the Middleburg Hunmane Foundation Christmas Tree is looking a bit bare. It could use your donation of a handmade ornament for auction. Thanking you in advance...
After dumping a cup of coffee on my keyboard at the shop, there's only up from there. Luckly, Troya Plaskett was at the shop and saved the day with a loaner keyboard. Thank you Troya!
I've gotten in another shipment of Addi Turbo 8" needles. I have all of the sizes (0-5). They're going fast.
I also ordered Addi Clicks in a new soft case and additional cable sets. Addi now makes a US 5 needle as a click. If you want this size, just give me a call and I will order you a set. In fact, you can order additional Click needles so that you can have more than one of each size.
Today I received more Mini Mochi in all colors from Crystal Palace Yarns. This yarn is very popular and several folks are knitting the Vertical Stripe Sweater from this yarn. I will post photos as soon as they're done. They look great in process.
I've just been given the master needlepoint canvases of Dennis Kyte's Botanicals. Mr. Kyte has stopped producing his needlepoint canvasses so these are the last. I don't have prices yet but do stop by and take a look (and place a reservation). They will be reasonably prices and your purchases go directly to the Middleburg Humane Foundation. I also have 12 signed first editions of his Botanicals book to offer.
I have taken a couple of photos of Mr. Kyte's work and will post them as soon as I have a moment, but there is nothing like seeing them in person.
And as a last thought, the Middleburg Hunmane Foundation Christmas Tree is looking a bit bare. It could use your donation of a handmade ornament for auction. Thanking you in advance...
Friday, November 6, 2009

6 November 2009
Okay, here's the picture. I was desperate, what can I say. I thought of coming as a ball of yarn but couldn't figure out how to build that kind of costume.
The new Interweave Knits "Accessories" magazine has arrived. It is loaded with scarf, wrap, hat and sock patterns. I'm sure that you will find a pattern that you will love.
I'm working on a 10 stitch scarf. It is a bit hard to describe but stop by and I will show you. It looks like a squared off cable. It's a lot of fun and there are only 10 stitches. This scarf will let you practice your wrap turns - easy.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

5 November 2009
Well, I promised Porch Party pictures and here they are. You will have to wait for my costume picture. I just ran out of time. I was quite busy helping and answering questions so these were the few pictures that I took. I'm, sorry that I missed Ms. Ashley in her authentic Bobby outfit.
Pam Lamborne finished her vertical stripe sweater. I will post that picture on the website gallery.
I got a picture of Paul Hunter taking a refreshment break from the detailed knitting he's doing. Paul never tackles easy projects and he deserved a break.
Mini Mochi is flying out the door. I have ordered more. It should arrive soon.
Several folks have asked me about the new soft case for the Addi Clicks. I have been told that they do not have just the soft cases at this moment. They are hoping to have soft cases in after the first of the year. Sorry!
Well, I promised Porch Party pictures and here they are. You will have to wait for my costume picture. I just ran out of time. I was quite busy helping and answering questions so these were the few pictures that I took. I'm, sorry that I missed Ms. Ashley in her authentic Bobby outfit.
Pam Lamborne finished her vertical stripe sweater. I will post that picture on the website gallery.
I got a picture of Paul Hunter taking a refreshment break from the detailed knitting he's doing. Paul never tackles easy projects and he deserved a break.
Mini Mochi is flying out the door. I have ordered more. It should arrive soon.
Several folks have asked me about the new soft case for the Addi Clicks. I have been told that they do not have just the soft cases at this moment. They are hoping to have soft cases in after the first of the year. Sorry!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
4 November 2009
We have the Knitter's Blocks in stock and more on order. For those of you that have always had a problem with a surface and a place to block your knitted goods - we have the answer.
Knitter's Blocks are interlocking 12" squares that can be connected to suit the project's needs. They can be stuck with pins and have a waterproof backing.
They come in a carrying/storage bag and includes 9 blocking tiles, 20 "T" pins and a pure cotton blocking cloth to cover the tiles.
Stop by and see them when you have a chance.
Oh yes, I have the camera and will be downloading the photos tonight.
We have the Knitter's Blocks in stock and more on order. For those of you that have always had a problem with a surface and a place to block your knitted goods - we have the answer.
Knitter's Blocks are interlocking 12" squares that can be connected to suit the project's needs. They can be stuck with pins and have a waterproof backing.
They come in a carrying/storage bag and includes 9 blocking tiles, 20 "T" pins and a pure cotton blocking cloth to cover the tiles.
Stop by and see them when you have a chance.
Oh yes, I have the camera and will be downloading the photos tonight.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
9 November 2009
We had a great time on Saturday. The Porch Party on Halloween was just plain fun. The weather just didn't seem to be pleasant, but it was just fine on the porch. Several folks came in costume and the cookies and cakes (prepared by Mary Lewis) were delicious. Ms Bowes brought her famous pimento cheese sandwiches and Ms Ashley brought toffee that I had a hard time staying away from.
Pam Lamborne brought her finished Vertical Stripe Sweater for all to enjoy. The color was just wonderful. I will post the picture on the website (I hope my camera does the color justice).
I have a picture of some of the knitters but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I forgot my camera at the shop. Valerie has taken a picture of me in my costume. She tells me she'll post the photo on my Facebook page (as soon as I bring the camera home, sheesh).
The 8" Addi Turbo needles were tried and it was decided that they work just fine. Because I only ordered a few of them (sorry 'bout that), several customers were disappointed. I have ordered several of each US sizes 0 through 8. The 8" turbos should be at the shop by this coming weekend.
On Sunday the class had fun knitting Christmas ornaments using beads. Everyone was successful at transferring the beads and the knitting proceeded. Several new ornaments will be gracing trees this Christmas. I have ornament kits and models in the shop. They models will stay until the first week in December. If you would like to see the ornaments but can't get to the shop, you can visit the website and just call me with your order.
We had a great time on Saturday. The Porch Party on Halloween was just plain fun. The weather just didn't seem to be pleasant, but it was just fine on the porch. Several folks came in costume and the cookies and cakes (prepared by Mary Lewis) were delicious. Ms Bowes brought her famous pimento cheese sandwiches and Ms Ashley brought toffee that I had a hard time staying away from.
Pam Lamborne brought her finished Vertical Stripe Sweater for all to enjoy. The color was just wonderful. I will post the picture on the website (I hope my camera does the color justice).
I have a picture of some of the knitters but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I forgot my camera at the shop. Valerie has taken a picture of me in my costume. She tells me she'll post the photo on my Facebook page (as soon as I bring the camera home, sheesh).
The 8" Addi Turbo needles were tried and it was decided that they work just fine. Because I only ordered a few of them (sorry 'bout that), several customers were disappointed. I have ordered several of each US sizes 0 through 8. The 8" turbos should be at the shop by this coming weekend.
On Sunday the class had fun knitting Christmas ornaments using beads. Everyone was successful at transferring the beads and the knitting proceeded. Several new ornaments will be gracing trees this Christmas. I have ornament kits and models in the shop. They models will stay until the first week in December. If you would like to see the ornaments but can't get to the shop, you can visit the website and just call me with your order.
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