Friday, December 23, 2011
I've heard it many times, "If I buy another needle my husband will ......"
As a husband I would like to say that I have many tools that look the same but are very different. Screwdrivers, socket wrenches, box wrenches, etc. I also have the same tool in different places, trunk of car, tool chest, kitchen drawer, etc. I won't even go into power tools.
I see no difference in having needles made out of different materials and whether they are straight, double point, circular or interchangeable. Needles are the tools you use to make your knitted project and not all needles are suited for all projects. Just like a slotted driver won't work for a phillips driver.
So, the next time you hear the question, ask about his tools for his "hobby".
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
My Christmas hours will be: Saturday Dec 24, 10-2 pm. Closed Dec 25 - 27. I'll be open Wed Dec 28, at 10 am.
Just a quick thought. If you are trying to figure out the instructions of a "complicated" stitch pattern, DON'T use the yarn that you will be using for the project. This is especially the case if the project is to be knitted in a dark color or on very small needles.
Grab any light colored yarn that is at least DK weight, but not bulky. Knit the stitch pattern using needles appropriate for the yarn you've grabbed for the test of the pattern.
There is no reason to try the stitch pattern using your project yarn and having to ravel it out several times because of confusion of the pattern wording or your misunderstanding of the stitich pattern's instructions.
Once you've figured out how the stitch pattern works you are ready to go with your project. This does not, however, relieve you of doing a knitted sample for stitch gauge. Be good, knit a gauge. It really does save time!
Happy Holidays! Happy Knitting!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas is almost upon us!
If you're looking for a special gift, we've just gotten in some beautiful stitch markers. Some are made from stone (unakite, jasper, etc.) and some are glass and wood. Problem is, they're all beautiful.
We also have sheep cell phone holders. It's hard to explain but they work and their fun. You have to stop by and see.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
We've gotten in some great gifts for knitters. My favorite is Sidney. We have all three sizes of Sidney in stock. Prices start at $47.95. These sheep are a fair-trade item with fair wages paid for their work.

We have several coffee mugs with great Thomas Joseph tongue-in-cheek sheep images. These coffee (or tea) mugs will make you smile every time you take a sip. Always needed if your day is not going well.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
As posted on Ravelry:
On March 26th, we posted on Ravelry about the revised and updated edition of “Principles Of Knitting” being released, well….last month. Obviously that didn’t happen. The current release date for this treasured resource is February 14, 2012. The list price of $45 is unchanged. If you would like to be added to our reservation list, please call the store at 540-253-9990 so we can be sure to order enough copies to meet the initial demand.
This is definitely a book you’ll want to have in your knitting library.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Don't forget, it's Christmas In Middleburg on December 3, Saturday. Route 50 will be blocked off several times during the day. Best bet is route 66 exit 31.
And to repeat the ravelry information for today:
The “Let It Snow” stickies are in the window for the 3rd year in a row. We all know how that turned out for the past 2 years. This year we added a “just a little” underneath to (hopefully) ensure we will not get buried by feet of snow again. We’re curious to know everyone’s predictions for this season’s accumulations though. Reply to this post with your guess!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will be closed Thanksgiving day and will open on Friday at 10 AM. When you're finished being beaten up by the crowds at the big box stores, stop by here for a bit of sanity.
Well the wait has been worth it. We finally got in the Knitwhits yarn. All I have to say is, "WOW!" The colors are as wonderful as I remember.
This is a VERY long repeat multi-color yarn. And by Very long I mean VERY! You really have to see the yarn to believe it. We have it in two weights: lace and 'sport' (but I've been told by the dyer that it works well as DK). Here's an image of the sport weight that I have and thought that it would be just great for a child's garment.

This color is called Melon. I know that it's bright but I think this is just what a child wants in the way of color.
Stop by when you have a chance to see all of the colors. This yarn will dazzle you!
Friday, November 11, 2011
This is a day of remembrance for all who have given up their lives so that we may be the country that we are.
Well, the yarn is flooding in faster than I can write about it. We have many new yarns in stock now so do stop by when you have a chance and we'll show you what is new.
This year's PJ Party was just the best. We were honored to have Stacy Charles, from Tahki/Stacy Charles, come to speak to the group. Stacy's years in the business of fashion were the knowledge base of the presentation. The participants were able to ask questions about the industry and get answers that were not only surprising but informative. There were discussion about the selection of yarns and how that happens. How the mills work. How the colors for a given season get chosen (and by whom).
We were also privileged to a showing of not only the 2012 Spring yarns but of the models. The models were barely off the knitters needles. Stacy had to return with the models for the photo session that was to take place on Monday morning for the pattern book. These were models that no one had seen but us.
This was quite a special PJ Party.
The dates for next year's PJ Party are October 26 - 28, 2012. Mark your calendars now.
We're also going to Bermuda again! This time it will be for six days instead of five at very little increase in cost. The sail date is May 11, 2012 from Baltimore. For more information you can find the details on my web site. We would love to have you join us on board for a relaxing knitting trip.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
It just keeps on coming in. I just receive some of my della Q order. I now have their large knitting totes. These are beautifully colored silk in stripes and solid color combinations. There are several pockets on the inside and the bag is large enough to hold a complete project (even my size)!

Thursday, October 13, 2011
The yarns just keep coming. I just received the newest Kid Silk Haze from Rowan. This is Kaffe Fassetts version called Stripes.
These are color that only Kaffe can do. Of course the computer can't really show you how beautiful the colors really are, here is the LINK.
There is a free pattern in the yarn label that only uses one ball of the Stripes. Here is the LINK to the pattern.
All of the colors are in stock. And, with 460 yards/ball it will only take two for a shawl or one will do two Mobius Scarves (or one wide Mobius).
Friday, September 30, 2011
We're going to have a celebration in town tomorrow. It's The Plains Day.
Activities start at 9:30 am. Main street will shut down for the parade at 10ish. If you want to enjoy a fun and funny parade do get here early. There is parking behind the shop and that is where it would be best to park.
All street activities are over by noon but there are other activities in town until about 4 pm for you and children.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Don't forget the Porch Party tomorrow!
Remember, you can sit on the porch when it's raining and not get wet. Of course, you can sit inside too but with the porch - but who cares. It'll be fun. Probably NO motorcycles with the prospect of rain. It will be quiet and an enjoyable day.
See you tomorrow!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Whew! The shop has been busily stocking the shelves. Yarns ordered in June are finally arriving.
Eco Duo and Eco Cloud, a super soft baby alpaca and super fine merino wool yarn, is finally here. Eco Duo is a plied yarn in marled natural colors. Eco Cloud is a chained yarn in natural colors that have slight variations in color. Both are beautiful and soooo soft. This is what you WANT to wear. Remember, Cascade has free patterns on their web site.
For the lace knitters, Cascade has Kid Silk Noir. This is super soft kid mohair and silk blend with the tiniest bit of glitz. Just enough sparkle to make whatever you knit very special.
Swedish Yarns has Raggi. A plied wool blend that comes in solid and stripe/patterning colors. We have a great model of a modified kimono sweater and "Guest Socks". The socks will knit in a day. We've done them in holiday patterning colors. They're here for you to see.
Need a scarf in a hurry? Well, Dolce Vita is just what you need. A looped yarn that you finger chain into a scarf in less than three minutes. The scarf will be a hit anywhere you go.
Huge and colorful is a good way to describe Berroco's soft Link yarn. This yarn makes instant accessories. Link is a multi-colored chained yarn that is knit on size 35 or 50 needles. Berroco provides a pattern on the inside of the label and there is a free booklet that can be downloaded from their web site.
I've knitted the scarf that is shown on the label. Not being satisfied with knitting it as the pattern has been written, I tried a variation. You can see both ways of knitting the scarf. I'll explain how I did it. Those of you who know me know that I try to find the easiest way of doing something.
There's more good things arriving all of the time. Please do stop by so we can show you all of the new yarns and the projects that we're knitting with them.
Don't forget the Porch Party on September 24. We'll be enjoying the porch for the last time this season (as a group at least). Cookies and tea will be available. Please do come and enjoy the company and make new knitting friends.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I have been so busy receiving new items I haven't had a chance to post! Don't forget, I've scheduled a Porch Party for September 24, all day. We'll have scrumptious cookies and tea too!
OK, back to the new products I selected just for you. I've gotten in new sock yarns, lace yarns and sweater yarns. There is even a yarn named Solo 1 Minuto that lets you create a scarf "in a minute" (well, maybe in three minutes). And there is yet more to come; so check back often, because I've found some really great yarns for you to keep your knitting interesting.
We're also working on new models to make your choices easier. Please ask us to show you what we're currently knitting for the shop.
I also purchased some new needlepoint to entice. There are needlepoint bracelets (yes, bracelets), new belts and new Christmas ornaments.
In addition to needlepoint Christmas ornaments, I will have those wonderful knitted and beaded Christmas ornaments here at the shop as a trunk show. I will also be offering a class on knitting the beaded ornaments Saturday, October 1.
We've gotten in some new "Stitch 'n Zips" for your e-reader, and I even found leather covers for your iPads. You can stitch an insert and make the leather cover your very own or personalize one as that very special gift.
Friday, July 8, 2011
We had a great time over the Fourth of July weekend. The sit and knit was a big hit with everyone especially because of the great cookies by "Loaf-n-Around". The Hunters brought delicious mini cinnamon buns and Ms. Bowes brought her famous Deviled Eggs. Just heavenly.
Items are arriving all the time from my buying trip.
Finally, great circular knitting case from Namaste. They listened to what I had to say and made a carry case that works! They even include labels for the tabs you see in the pictures.

And, they've improved the Hermosa knitting bag. It's great as a knitting bag but makes a wonderful purse too. Lots of pockets outside and inside and with the Circular Case to match, what could be better?

Big Baby from Muench has arrived. This is a great marl yarn that also phases though colors. Yes, they do solid colors too. A baby blanket at 2.5 st/in knits fast and there are two sweater patterns that I think just hit the ticket when you need a baby sweater in a hurry. We have a sample of a Big Baby Feather & Fan blanket in the shop until mid August. Stop by and see this great yarn - it's just plain fun.

Friday, July 1, 2011
Don't forget the sit-and-knit this Saturday and Sunday at the shop. Cookies and iced tea will be available to all who come. This is a great way to meet new knitters and needlepointers and just have a relaxing day. (Also a great day to get away from the chaos at home!) No beltway traffic out here.
Today is the first day of my July Anniversary Sale. Items change every week so you need to come at least every week to see what new has been placed on sale. Items are up to 50% off. A great way to stock up for Fall and Winter projects.
And to make matters worse, new yarns and needlepoint are arriving all the time!
So many decisions, and all weekend to make them.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Well, hello. I've been quiet again because I have been busily working on finding new and fun items for the shop. I am in Columbus, Ohio right now at the Fall trade show.

I was at the fashion show watching for the new trends in yarns - and I will have these in the shop. Varigated yarns are still the rage with long repeats of color being the "thing". They even have gorgeous varigated tweed - in long repeats!
I found some great project bags, including della Q (for those of you who've asked). And, I have found a solution for circular needles that I think is great. Just you wait and see.
Not all of these finds are available right now so they will be arriving as soon as they are ready. Yes, you will have to wait just like me. Oh the wait will be painful but rewarding in the end!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I just couldn't say no. I ordered and received a new Footprint color. It's call All American and it looks great and is just the ticket for Memorial Day knitting.
A blue and white sock with a red heel and toe. How can you beat that!
Friday, May 20, 2011
We all arrived back safely and the cruise was efficient in getting us off the ship and through customs quickly.

All agreed that this is what cruising is all about. On the pool deck in a chaise, pedicure, knitting in hand and drink on the side. What more could be asked for?
I will post more photos on the website as soon as I have time - I promise.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
18 May 2011
Hi Folks
Yesterday was the rush day. If you didn’t have time to see something on Monday in Bermuda then you had until 1:30 pm to get it done. There were several last minute panics but all turn out well.
Tales of exploits were shared at dinner. Again, last minute purchases were shown or pass around and admired. I have to admit, there were many beautiful items and I will have to check those stores the next time.
(I have been told there will have to be a ‘next time’.)
Everyone is sad that the trip is coming to an end and wished it could be longer. Well, isn’t it always the case. Vacations always seem to be too short!
Most have finished their “Bermuda Project” and were surprised and pleased. All now have a ‘spa towel’ with a shell motif as a memory of their trip.
I will post photos of the trip on the website. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
17 May 2011
Bermuda is truly a beautiful tropical island with pastel houses with white roofs dotting the hillsides.
Yesterday morning we were off bright and early and decided to visit the British Maritime museum. The museum really gives you the perspective of how it was in the 1500-1600’s here in Bermuda. It was interesting to learn the history of the island in addition to how Bermuda became the place to go to relax in the sun.
After touring the museum we walked through the “Dockyard” shops. There are many shop that feature local artists and local products. I purchased some jams and as I was asking for help choosing, I met the woman who makes the jams. What a wonderful way to purchase a product by talking to the maker and getting suggestions helpful hints.
From the dockyard we took a ferry across to Hamilton, the capitol of Bermuda. Hamilton is just a perfectly wonderfully tidy town. There are shops galore and they all have beautiful things to admire and buy. I purchased a great “wool” related tea towel that I will have in the shop. It should give you quite a laugh.
Walking through the town you notice that there is a scale to the buildings that gives it a personable feel. The buildings new and old are in a colonial style with Bermuda Shutters, verandas and the stepped tile roofs.
The white stepped tiled roofs called (wait for it) Bermuda Roofs, are made from large pieces of limestone tiles and painted white. This roof is designed to catch water and channel it down to the cistern that is usually located under the house. Bermuda has always been a bit short of fresh water and the catchments are in integral part of living here.
When shopping was done we caught a cab and had a tour ride back to the ship. Our driver/tour guide showed us the beautiful sites around the island from the large private homes in the “desired” areas of the island to the beautiful pink sand beaches and turquoise waters lapping at their edges. The water is a bit cool, so a quick entry was suggested by our guide.
I think that we were shown sites that the normal tours don’t show, but that is what made the ride fun. We were delivered back to the ship safe and sound with many stories to share with fellow knitters. We sat in the Schooner Lounge until 11 pm sharing out experiences and showing each other the treasures we found.
More as soon as I have time. Off to do some more sightseeing!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
15 May 2011
Hi Folks
The Bermuda Knit Cruise is just ‘sailing’ along.
This is the first day at sea and all is well. The boarding went smoothly on Saturday and all are pleased with their staterooms.
We’ve had two ‘meetings’ so far and everyone is working on their surprise Bermuda project. No one knows what they are knitting.. They’ve all been given a ball of Classic Elite, Provence in the color “Bermuda Sand”. (I thought that would be appropriate for the trip.) They have been given instructions and a chart but I have not told them what it is that they are knitting. I haven’t shown them a finished project. There are many guesses as to what the project is but no one has guessed yet.
The food is great and you can eat all day long – if you choose. The way the food comes out of the kitchen is mind boggling. I don’t know how they do it. It must be organized chaos.
The wind is warm (72 degrees) and the seas are moderate. There was a large thunderstorm this morning and the skies opened up for about fifteen minutes, but that was early this morning long before I was about.
Folks are now waiting for us to dock in Bermuda. Many have planned excursions and all are looking forward to discovering the island.
I will let you all know how the shore trips go tomorrow.
Friday, May 13, 2011
We had a great time a Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. We met many new people and we saw a lot of you. Thank you for stopping by and saying, "Hi!".
If you didn't make it to the festival, or you didn't have time to see all we had in the booth, stop by the store. We have all of the festival wools at the shop to make it easy.
Mountain Colors: Weaver's Wool and Mountain Lace
Manos: Maxima and Alpaca Lace
Prism: Saki, Stuff and Odds & Ends
I'm hoping to have the yarn here until the end of May.
Tomorrow I take off for Bermuda with 29 knitting friends. We're planning on having a great time knitting and chatting our way to and from Bermuda. If I can, I will attempt to blog from the ship. Yes, I will take pictures.

Here's a picture of Lyn wearing the Kaffe Fassett Unwind Wrap. Stop by the shop and try it on. You'll find it is just like a dream.
And, don't forget to plan for the sit and knit at the shop on the weekend of the Fourth. We're an easy drive and no traffic.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Come and meet Irving (the Icebox Monster) and all of his friends in The Big Book of Knitted Monsters. Irving just took a couple of hours to knit - quick and easy. These stuffed toys would make just wonderful childrens' gifts for that hard-to-by-for child.

One of Irving's buddies, Baldwin the Bathroom Monster, was shown to the PJ Party group last October. Baldwin and his brother were knitted by Jane J. for her two sons - who just thought they were the greatest stuffed toys.
Irving was just plain fun to knit and put together. If Irving doesn't quite strike you as a proper monster you can page through the book and find the monster just right for you.
Irving sits on our counter waiting to be picked up. Don't be afraid to give him a quick squeeze - he doesn't bite.
Irving was knitted out of Berroco Vintage but any washable 5 st/inch yarn will do - even superwash wool.
Friday, April 8, 2011
A fun new product has arrived. We carry Lavishea Lotion Bars. They are made with all natural ingredients. It looks like a little bar of soap. You simply rub the bar on your skin and your body heat will melt the lotion onto your skin to be quickly absorbed. There is no greasy residue.
The fragrance is from premium botanicals, essential oils, and skin-safe fragrances. The base is fair trade shea butter and natural soy. All of the Lavishea bars are gluten free.
This bar travels well and passes through security at the airport in your carry-on luggage. No hassle with 3.5 ounces of liquid fitting into a ziplock bag. And, no messy spills!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I got good news from Rowan. They will be shipping all of the Kid Silk Haze and Summer Tweed around the 16th of April. I will then be able to kit the beautiful Unwind Wrap designed by Kaffe Fassett. As always, only Kaffe can combine colors that you would never think of combining and make something a colorfully wonderful.
This wrap is very soft and knit in stockinette. A quick knit and self-fringing to boot! We have the model for you to see and try on. Stop by when you have a moment.
You need to act fast. There will only be ten kits made. We're taking sign-ups for the kits. I have no guarantee that I will be able to get all of the colors of yarn necessary after the kits are gone.
Friday, March 25, 2011
I have two items of good news.
First, the date of the PJ Party has been finalized. Our celebration will be October 21-23. I do not have the cost of the weekend as of yet but I have been promised a finalized cost by the end of next week.
AND FINALLY! The Principles of Knitting is being republished and is scheduled for November 2011. I have it from my distributor that if I place preorders I will have first shipment. So, if you've asked for me to order the book for you I will. The publisher's price is $45 which is a bargain. The original publisher's price was $35. Very little increase for a 30 year delay. I would ask for a deposit if you would be so kind.
I have a beautiful Kaffe Fassett stole on display in the shop. I will post a picture of it next week. The stole is knitted in Kid Silk Haze and Summer Tweed in only colors that Kaffe could put together. I will only have ten (10) kits. Let me know if you're interested.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Okay, I said that I blog when there is something to say. I have some news.
Today the store received Simplicity yarn. These are just wonderful colors for kids and the yarn is machine washable. It is a blend of 55% superwash wool, with acrylic and nylon. This is a soft yarn and children will not complain that it is itchy. It knits a 5 sts/inch so break out your favorite pattern and make this a summer project.

I didn't forget the sock people. Don't get your socks in a twist. I

This is a ball of Zauberball Crazy. I have ordered five colors of this yarn. Believe it or not this ball of yarn is wound on a machine. Let's hand it to the Germans. Who would'a thought.
I also ordered just Zauberball for those of you who are just a little less daring. The Zauberball changes color just like Crazy it just doesn't have the ragg effect.

By the way, zauber means magic.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Hi folks
Lots 'o new yarns and things coming in. Yesterday we got in our first shipment of Ultra Pima yarn from Cascade Yarns. This is a beautifully silky 100% Pima cotton (extra long staple cotton) has the sheen of silk. The gauge on this yarn is 5.5 or 6 sts/inch - just right for that light summer evening sweater or in the refrigerated office during the summer. There are 220 yards in a skein so a short sleeved sweater knits with as few as 5 skeins for a medium. You have to stop by to see the colors. Here's a link to the online color card (they are much better in person!)

We also have some beautiful glass buttons by Terri Budrow-Nelson that would work perfectly on a sweater knitted in Ultra Pima. These glass buttons and shawl pins are hand made by Terri. The colors and size are just what the "doctor" ordered for your sweater.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Don't forget, daylight saving time starts this Sunday morning at some awful hour. So, before you go to bed on Saturday night set your clock AHEAD one hour. Yep, you loose an hour this weekend. So instead of having 48 hours, you will only get 47. Never though of it that way?
We just got in the new Plymouth rosewood interchangeable needles. They are reasonably priced and the kit they come in is well thought out. We're testing them out in the shop and they feel wonderful. Here's what they look like:

Thursday, March 3, 2011
I know that I have been very quiet for awhile but I have been waiting for the new yarns to come in.
Several of the new yarns have arrived. Well, it's not yarn new but the colors are new. Prism Arts has a new color series called Layers Dyeing. I will quote:
We are very pleased with an entirely new style of dyeing: LAYERS.
This method produces just that, layer upon layer of color that reads as solid from a distance, but reveals all of its subtle glory upon closer examination.
I have ordered several of the Layers colors (they're not all here yet) in Saki (Merino fingering weight) and Lace Wool. I have a great set of samples of this new color. Stop by and I will show you.

We also just received Alphabet City from Trendsetter Yarns. This yarn has little alphabet blocks knotted into the yarn (tested safe for kids). The yarn only comes in three colors (white, pink and blue) but what a great yarn for that baby gift. One ball knits a great cap and it is easy to keep the blocks on the knit side. Or, knit a sweater for that very special little one.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Hi Folks
I sneaked away for a long and well deserved vacation (well at least in my opinion it was deserved).
Yes, I did get some knitting done. I have created a design for a Bermuda Project. All that are going on the Bermuda trip will have a project to do to remember the trip by.
While knitting the example for the Bermuda trip I ran into a common problem that can occur when knitting with cotton yarn, linen, etc. Your needle separates the strands and pierces the yarn easily. This can be quite annoying.
The solution is quite simple – start knitting from the other end of the ball of yarn. What is happening as you knit, and find that you pierce the yarn easily, is that with each throw if the yarn you are untwisting the yarn ever so slightly. Well, this adds up and you end up with a loose collection of plies.
By changing the end you knit from, your throw will wind the yarn up instead making the yarn's twist tighten instead of loosen and piercing will, for the most part, go away.
So simple.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
We have been working hard to inventory the shop. It helps to know what you really have in stock so I don't say yes to you on the phone and then find out that there is none.
I have just gotten in more Addi Click Lace needles. Did you know that they're nickel plated now? Yep, no more brass. They have also changed the "wallet" that they come in. Wouldn't you know that the regular Addi Clicks are on backorder!
I told you that we would be getting in new yarns. Well, Eco Wool and Eco+ has arrived. There are free patterns on the Cascade website and Jered Flood knitted a lap blanked using an old doily pattern. The pattern is free and you can follow the link on Ravelry to down load the pattern.
Eco wool can be knit in two gages 3.5sts/inch and 4sts/inch. It comes in 478 yarn skeins so many sweaters only require two skeins. It has a small range of color (it's not 220 with over 200 colors) but the colors are great for any project. The color card gives you an idea of what is offered.
Here's a hint for all of you that use safety lines in your knitting. If you have a Boye Needle Master set you can pull a safety line through as you knit. Just put the thread into the tightening hole on the cable and knit away. As you knit the safety line is put into the knitting without any trouble. When you get to the end of the row, just release the thread, stretch out the knitting to pull the safety line along the width of the knitting and tie off the safety line! Voila!
I can't take credit for this idea. It came from a customer. Thank you Ms. Lyon!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Happy New Year!
We have been busy making sure that Santa brought all of the right things for a great knitter's Christmas – especially gift certificates.
We are getting in new items all of the time. I have more Skacel Lace Clicks coming. Now I can't get the standard Clicks. Go figure! I got in Hiya-Hiya interchangeable needles. So if you are interested, come by and see how they do their needles.
We are considering carrying interchangeable bamboo, ebony and rosewood needles. Tell us what you think about this. Would you purchase wooden interchangeable needles?
I thought you might want to know about the Vogue knitting patterns in the back of each issue. To quote:
To find these items, visit our website and click on 'CHARTS.'"
To be fair they will send you the charts if you send them a SASE. I just thought you might want to know. You might want to check your issues to make sure you have the information you need for the issues you have.
We've posted a pattern on Ravelry that seems to be a quick like. It was designed by Lyn's mom and we thank her for the pattern. It's a quick knit and only takes one skein of Berroco Boralis. You can use any yarn you wish but that is what we used for the model. If you go to my Ravelry page it will link you through to the websites page and you can down load the .pdf.
We are inventorying the shop so the drudgery work is at hand but we are still open and willing to help you and serve you needs. Stop by and break us away from the counting, please.